A team of college film students from Southern California will work together on globally (and locally) important video and TV projects with Media that Matters ... all part of the new "Many Worlds of Planet X".

U-Tribe will have a roster of leaders and legends to work with on storytelling, events and more! 

Our Team at La Jolla with Surf Legends & Cure for Cancer with UCSD Experts!

Scenes from Planet X's work with Full Sail University and its TV programming with college student crew, management and more!

U-Tribe will work with local Colleges

throughout Southern California and nationally over time to establish a media network of concerned film students, faculty and dozens of campus sites all over America including Florida Keys Community College.

U-Tribe will work with leaders in their fields on many important topics ...

including amazing people running for office and the White House!

From Music to Sports, our multilingual hosting team (here at SDSU supporting World Lacrosse), works with U-Tribe for the best in college theme content!



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